Loving this time of year and the motivation coming through our doors.
It is absolutely contagious when you are around people who are excited and motivated. That’s the buzz in the gym right now and hopefully in your world too!
One of the most rewarding parts of being a coach is genuinely helping people. Hearing someone’s goals gets me fired up. You see that spark in their eye and they are motivated.
A big part of our job is helping people stay motivated.
It is super easy to get off track.
Someone scheduled a meeting over your workout time, or your food prep didn’t happen, or you get sick…I could go on and on.
None of us are immune to things coming up.
It will happen.
I recommend having Plan B, C and sometimes D!
Also, if something keeps getting in the way of you taking care of you, I highly recommend stepping back and saying, “where exactly am I spending my time?”
Sometimes you do have to say No. Say it out loud…its weird, NO…say it again, maybe add in no, thank you. Or, that sounds like a great opportunity but I need to pass at this time.
Keeping appointments with yourself is challenging, you might feel guilty.
I know I have been there. I have changed my workout time/days 100 times.
The point of all of this is taking time for you.
Take care of you, you deserve it.
You only get this one body, and to perform at a high level we have to take care of us.
If you are struggling with motivation let us know.
We can help you.
Everyone is busy, we understand that, but the time you spend on you is never wasted. Don’t wait for the health scare. I know I am getting pretty personal, but that’s what we do.
Keep up the motivation, set those workout clothes out or in the car and do it. You will feel so much better when it is done.
Doing something 21-60 times will develop a habit!
What do you want to start today?
Don’t wait till Monday! Get fired up or shoot me a message. I have time to jump on a call and we can talk through your goals, what’s been holding you back or help get you motivated! You can do it!