If you are here in Indiana, I am sure you have been loving this heatwave we have been experiencing.
I was sitting out back on our back patio Sunday morning watching the kids play, drinking a good cup of coffee, and listening to the bird’s chirp.
That was joy.
I knew I had some laundry to do, dishes to unload, and food to cook, but sitting there in the warmth watching the kids was true happiness.
I find that I need to pause and realize these true moments of joy.
They are all around us if you pause.
Most clients we coach want to feel good, strong, but more than anything they want to feel mentally strong.
It’s no secret this last year did a number on all of us.
We are still recovering.
Honor these feels and I want to encourage you to pause when you feel the sun on your face, pause when you hear laughter, pause when you can take a deep breath and let it out.
Joy is all around us.
You have to pause, see it and feel it.
One of the first exercises I have a client do is gratitude.
I know, nothing earth-shattering right?
But we miss this ALL DAY EVERY DAY.
Spend 5 minutes of your day giving thanks for the goodness in your life. Do it for a week, two weeks, or even a month and I would love to hear how you are feeling.
It’s there, we have to notice it.
Let me know how this lands with you. It is always helpful to hear.