’m beginning to think that self-care is a bit cliché.
I see TV shows talk about it. I see other businesses try to sell it. I read magazine articles about it.
Self-care gets so much coverage, but it never seems to translate into actual self-care.
Know what I mean?
Last week I talked with a lady who is 36 years old, has 3 kids, a full-time job, is married, and has 2 dogs. She barely has time to breathe.
She knows she needs to take better care of herself, but she’s hesitant.
Because she’s been down this path so many times before. She swears that because (the kids are going back to school, it’s the new year, she turned 36, etc.) that she’s really gonna do it this time.
But deep down – she’s not excited about working out or eating well.
She does want to feel better. She wants to look better. She wants to be happier.
But working out is never fun. And eating healthy is super-boring.
She’s kind of tired of feeling this way. Overwhelmed is her word for how she feels.
How can she possibly start to all of a sudden workout a ton, eat no sugar or carbs, start meditating, doing a daily journal, write love notes to her husband, reach out to old friends, take long walks in nature, and read a book every 3 days?
Like I said earlier. She barely has time to breathe.
I’m glad she reached out to me though. I hear stories like hers a lot. The self-care industry is important, but boy-oh-boy do they have a way of making most of us feel super-guilty about what we’re NOT doing.
That never makes us feel good.
It’s one of the many reasons I believe in a journey.
If I want to reach a goal, I have to take steps towards that goal.
One step at a time. And repeat. And repeat.
Being healthy is a habit with no end date. It’s something we all work on daily. Some days we’re rockstars and other days we’re lucky to make it out of the house looking somewhat human.
Don’t let self-care be a source of stress. Simply pick one thing to focus on and do that one thing for the next week.
Decide to eat a healthy breakfast every day. Decide to hit the gym 3 days this week.
Just decide and commit.
If you need help, shoot me a message back.