How many times have you started on a weight loss journey, heck any journey and stumbled, got off track, lost sight of the goal?
If we are being honest with ourselves, all of us experience this.
This idea of perfection is ludicrous – but I see it happen all the time.
You get off track and all the sudden you are a failure, you criticize yourself.
What if we considered part of your journey will include recommitting?
Let’s commit to the goal and recommit to the process.
This needs to be factored into every goal we have for ourselves.
I always see this happen anytime someone is working on a goal, such as weight loss.
They are going along great, then BAM, life has a way of throwing you off course.
How you handle obstacles will determine your success.
We have to get out of the all or nothing mentality or self-sabotage mindset and factor in the stumbles.
Embrace the commitment to your goal, then allow yourself to recommit along the journey.
It is almost like you expect to stumble while working towards your next goal and you embrace the process of recommitting yourself.
When you can fully embrace the entire process of commitment and recommitting, I guarantee you will achieve any goal you set.
Let me know how this sits with you.