Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
We talk with several clients and prospects per week and it always has to start with their personal vision for their life. What do they want to see with their body, their health, their wellness? How do they want to feel every day?
It’s not exactly easy to spit this all out.
It’s personal…
It’s private…
It’s emotional…
I also find that the original goal can get lost when there is constantly a new theory, idea or gimmick in the fitness industry.
What should you trust, what would be best for you?
Also what have you tried before and were you successful or not?
John Maxwell said, “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desire to reach their potential.”
What’s your potential?
I wish it was as east as: Write down your goals, create the plan and then execute.
What happens next…LIFE!
We get going on a great track, maybe even seeing results, then BOOM…life happens and we get off track.
It is inevitable.
But how do some people push through and other don’t?
I remember back when Tony and I first thought up Transformation Fitness and Wellness. It was a dream and we started to make it a reality. We knew we needed a space to train our clients in, so we went searching all over Indianapolis for our location.
Neither of us had ever purchased real estate and it was 2007.
Awesome timing, right?!
We knew we absolutely loved helping people, it was a passion and what fulfilled us at the end of the day. We just needed a space to make it happen.
Then we found the perfect building.
We knew we could do it; our clients deserved this space to workout in.
But in 2007 the market was rough. We lost our financing on the day of closing and ended up paying our builder every day we did not close.
So did we give up?
That would have been way easier, but we fought.
We fought for what we believed in. We believed whole heartedly that we needed this space for Transformation Fitness and Wellness to serve the people we were working with and the people we had yet to meet.
I busted tail to get us financing and 5 banks later we got it done.
It was not easy, I would prefer to never live that again, but it was VISION that ultimately led us to our goal.
It would have been easy to forget our original goal.
We both still had full time jobs at that time and they would have been great jobs to stay in, but we knew we were not doing what fueled our Soul Purpose.
We were put on earth to serve others in the Fitness and Wellness Industry and it has always been worth the fight.
I want you to step back and look at your goals.
They may be health related they may not be. This can apply to all facets of life.
But stay true to your goal. When you set out to lose weight, for example, DO IT!
It is absolutely not easy, but I have found nothing that is truly worthwhile in life is easy. It takes time, dedication, help and persistence work.
With your Vision and Goals for your Life Start Here:
Step #1: Be Specific
What do you want for your life…Your VISION?
Step #2: Clear Goals
A powerful vision emerges when we couple our dreams with a set of clear goals.
Step #3: Turn the Telescope around-You Become what you envision yourself being
When you look through the small end, everything is far away. When you look through the big end, everything looks way different.
Could you be looking at your life through the wrong end of the telescope?
Step #4: Hire an Accountability Coach
This is 90% of the reason people hire us! We help hold you accountable when achieving your health and wellness goals.
It is not a cure all but it does help to have someone, who cares and is a professional, keep you focused.
I know for us personally we have always had a business coach in our life. They have pushed us when we wanted to give up, they have been there to pick our chins off the ground when we did not think we could handle one more blow and they keep you FOCUSED.
It is so easy to lose focus on the original goal in the thick of life.
Write it down; post it on your mirror. Face it every day till you make it a reality and hire the right people to help you get there.
If you need more help achieving your health and wellness goals we are always here for you! Whether you are in Indianapolis or not we can help! Just reach out by calling, 317-927-9689 or request a Free Consultation.
Also that space we worked so hard to get back in 2007 served us well for the first 6 years of our business and we out grew that space! We now have been in a beautiful 7,000 sq. ft. facility at 1222 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 for the last 2 years and that is a whole other story for another day! When your husband says, “we can do the demo”, run!
Have an amazing day, keep your vision in front of you and stick to your goals!