Earlier this week I wrote about the hardwiring of our brains and how it shapes us.
Today I want to talk more about how we rewrite this hardwiring we have.
This is not easy work to do but I feel is very relevant with the increase in anxiety from this year at hand. When I talk to most people, they are making it through this tough time, but they have increased stress, not sleeping as well, constant worry and I want to offer some help.
Also, I don’t think everyone realizes what they carry around all day long.
We do a simple technique in our gym where we belly breathes, but I tell you most struggle to truly breathe.
This comes from anxiety, stress, worry, self-doubt, I could go on.
This is also a conditioned response and the pandemic only accelerated it.
So, what can we do to start the process to rewire our brains?
First, we need to identify the talk tracks we play in our heads.
If you are constantly worried about something for example lets use the broad statement:
I don’t know if I can get through this pandemic. (this is level 1, I can’t negative acceptance and the most harmful)
This is a very negative fear-driven response.
We have to reframe this statement in order to rewrite it in our brain and BELIVE the statement to be true.
We have to move this statement into level 2 which is Recognition and need to change. I need to get through this pandemic.
This level gets us to the I should or ought to…
Level 3 is the Level of the decision to change.
I am no longer worried about getting through this pandemic. (this statement already feels better)
This level of programming makes you want to go for it.
Then the last level, level 4 is the universal affirmation, I am getting through this pandemic. I will get through this pandemic well.
Look inward each day and notice the talk tracks you play to yourself.
If you constantly say,
I never, I won’t, I can’t… let’s rewrite that. We don’t have to go all the way to level 4 and say I am but drop it to a level you feel comfortable with.
I have personally used this rewriting for years.
Specifically, when things get challenging and I want to cower to old behaviors or thoughts this is where reprogramming is extremely beneficial.
When I had our daughter Lyvia, I listened to affirmations daily about her birth and I finally believed in my desired outcome, even though I had tons of baggage from the past I was able to rewrite my thinking.
I have used this with public speaking. I used to say, I could never do that, I could never go on stages and speak in front of several people and now speaking on a stage of thousands is fun, exciting and I genuinely look forward to it.
Test it out. Like anything it has to be done daily…kind of like bathing. 🙂
Take care,
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