Today I want to encourage you to go into whatever it is you are wanting to achieve or do with a winning mindset.
You will win.
I have won.
Whatever winning looks like to you.
It could be your next sales call, your next presentation, business deal, or victory on the scale.
Our mind is an amazing beast.
Every day we choose whether our mind is working with you or against you.
The most important word in that last sentence is CHOOSE.
You get to choose.
We all have triggers and things that knock us off our game no matter how big or small the stakes.
We can talk ourselves out of deserving the promotion, landing that next big deal or contract, or victory with our health.
We have to trust ourselves and believe in what’s already True.
Look beyond the goal.
When I get out of my own darn way is when I always succeed and I have to remember its not about me. It’s the people I get to serve.
When working towards a health and wellness goal it’s never about the number on the scale.
Look right past that.
It’s about how we feel in the morning when we wake up.
The energy we have with our kids or after a long day.
How we show up in front of our peers.
Our daily confidence.
What if you woke up every day and said:
“I am healthy, strong, and confident.”
What do you think would happen if you said this for 365 days?
Do you think it would come true?
I do?
Why do I know this?
Because I have seen it in my own life and our client’s lives.
Wake up with a winning mindset and nothing will stop you.
Be in gratitude and full of faith. You can and will achieve anything you desire.
But if you feel stuck, and you can’t get off the hamster wheel of negative thoughts. You have to reach out.
We’ve never been only a workout and never will be.
It’s so much more than that.
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