Our landscape has changed. Some parts are good and others will be different going forward. I know for us in the health and wellness space cramming 30+ bodies in a small area is not going to be ok for a while.
I also know there are some people who will not feel comfortable going to a gym for a while.
It is all fair and understandable.
What is important is to find a solution that meets you where you are today.
I will say it again, the landscape has changed for health and wellness. Some businesses have chosen to adapt and some have not.
We understand things are going to be different.
We also understand that we are all trying to navigate life and meet the demands of everyday life. Your health has never been more important.
When it comes to your health this isn’t just throwing some weights around at the gym, this is having more energy on a daily basis, this is breathing, truly breathing. Having a clear mind and high performance at your job or being present with your kids.
Managing anxiety and depression.
Listen, we get it more than ever.
Its time to take control over your health and wellness.
We have pivoted at TFW and things won’t go back to the “way we used to”.
That’s ok.
The stakes have never been so high to take care of you and we are here to provide the appropriate solution.
It looks like we will be able to open next week. This is not 100% confirmed, but we are trying to be as prepared as we possibly can. (We can’t wait till Friday to be told – cool you can open.) If the orders change, we will follow, but from what we have heard this is the plan.
Then how we plan to conduct our business is:
In person limiting class size at first. We only allowed 10 to begin with, but we want to err on caution and start at 5 people per class and adjust as needed.
This way everyone can spread out and feel safe.
We will continue our accountability, nutrition coaching and 1 on 1 assessments.
Then we will continue to serve our community online.
We are also creating a new online membership site where members will have access to our library of movements, on demand workouts, 28 Live Group workouts, workshops and ability to schedule 1 on 1 workouts.
We had our floors disinfected and cleaned yesterday by Zerorez. (highly recommend)
We always used a medical grade cleaner and will continue.
Lastly, we are going to ask our clients to take personal responsibility – if you are not feeling well, please do not come to the gym, wash your hands after the workout and/or use hand sanitizer, then wipe down equipment between each use. (As a staff we will be doing this as well.)
I will say it again, the stakes have never been so high to take care of you. Life is demanding a lot from us and we can help you perform at a high level.
Let us know how we can help.