I know this may seem simple, but it truly is not.
Always have plan B.
Now I am referring to your health and wellness and specifically exercise.
I believe it is important to always have a backup plan. Sure, I can set the best intention to wake up and get that workout in first thing, but life doesn’t always go exactly as we planned.
Now the old Arin would get frustrated, derailed because things didn’t go perfectly…
Does anyone feel this way?
Instead, I have learned we need to have plan B and sometimes C and D. 😉
You may not sleep well the night before.
Your mind was racing or a certain 4-year-old just wasn’t feeling like sleeping…right?
I believe the best way to handle situations like this is to chalk it up that things did not go as planned and find an alternate time.
This is no different from nutrition. If you plan on meal prepping and it didn’t get done, ok when else can we carve time.
Or can we break it down throughout the week.
I have found listing out the meals on a marker board helps us know what the week’s options are and then we decide when to cook.
The most important thing I want you to take away is to create a plan with some flexibility. If things don’t go as planned, you have options.
“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” – Eleanor Roosevelt