We have seen such an influx of Indianapolis residents needing a break.
Needing to get out of the house, move their body and simply breathe.
If you find yourself working from home, try setting aside time to simply walk.
I have found if someone works from home they get very minimal steps in and even something as simple as walking can have a dramatic effect on your health.
One of the first things someone will tell me is how much energy they have.
Then we also see weight loss, just from simply walking
Easy to do and easy not to do.
Especially if you have been in a routine of not moving.
My biggest recommendation is to schedule a time to walk.
Right now you will benefit from either earlier in the morning or later at night with our current temperatures/humidity.
And please make sure you hydrate.
Or if you need to have a sincere break in your day consider getting to the gym.
Sometimes just the act of having somewhere to go can help break up the monotony of the day.
Also, this brings up an even bigger topic of creating boundaries.
One of the biggest things we have seen with the professionals that we work with is they have had to be very diligent during working hours.
Sure it is nice to have the flexibility but dedicate work time otherwise, we have seen work take over.
There has to be a balance.
So test out some walks, even 10-15 per day has health benefits.
Or if you need to have an appointment and a coach we are taking on new clients.
And if you prefer to stay home but need that accountability and support we offer an online program that is catered to you.
Take care and make some much-needed time for yourself!