At Transformation Fitness and Wellness we take so much pride in our Fitness Professionals and the level at which they are able to help our clients. We highly value the education, certifications and continued education our staff has and continues to grow from. It is extremely interesting that in the world of fitness and wellness, we have no certain standards, board certified tests, etc.
But we work with clients who are post surgery, through pregnancies, we work with morbidly obese, and we work with the professional, just trying to squeeze a quick workout in.
What I am getting at is we work with all different clients and we would not be able to transform these lives without the knowledge and the experience we have.
So in today’s blog post our message is meant to help our audience better understand how we are different, why you should work with us, and also why our Indianapolis Community should only trust us with their health and wellness goals!
Not all programs are created equal!
We highly regard several direct competitors, because honestly at the end of the day we are just trying to help people become a healthier version of themselves, feel good, have energy and live a healthy, rewarding life!
But not all programs are created equal! We want to help educate you on why we have a set structure to our programs and it is not a bunch of random workouts!
Many times people do not understand that consistency of an exercise movement(s) should have a specific goal. The goal may be to drop body fat, run faster, increase muscle tissue, or just have more energy. When a combination of exercise movements are planned and designed to create a specific goal it is called periodization.
Most people do not understand periodization or they have been misinformed with the P90x and CrossFit craze. These two specific programs have used the terms “muscle confusion” or “random exposure to a variety of movements” to explain their “periodization” style or methods.
If you use the random exposure to a variety of different movements at different intensities, most of which are done for time, i.e. as many reps as possible in a specific time period or a specific number of reps done as fast as possible; the program becomes random exercise…not training.
Training has a specific goal and requires periodization to get ready for a specific task. Different physical tasks require different physical adaptations; running 26.2 miles is obviously a different task than squatting 700 pounds, and the two efforts require completely different physical adaptations and periodization. If a program of physical activity is not designed to get you stronger or faster or better conditioned by producing a specific stress to which a specific desirable adaptation can occur, you do not get to call it training. It is just exercise.
For many people who participate in these programs that are designed off random exercise they will see results in the first 6 months but, will hit a plateau shortly there after. Then, progress slows, since the Laws of Physiology cannot be ignored. The more you adapt to physical stress, the stronger and fitter you become. And the stronger and fitter you become, the more difficult it is to get stronger and fitter, because the easy part of the process has already occurred. The great Dan John says “Any program will work for the first 6 weeks.”
Once a person has adapted beyond the ability of random stress, applied frequently under time constraints to cause further improvement…progress stalls. And increasing the intensity of the random stress doesn’t work either – that just gets you hurt because you have not gotten stronger, and your heart and lungs can only work at about 200 BPM and about 50 RPM.
To continue to see results and stay injury free a program must have proper periodazation to obtain the desired goal. Beyond a certain point, random physical stress fails to continue to elicit a favorable adaptation. Many times this random physical stress is too high and the body cannot recover. If the body cannot recover the injuries will start to appear.
Our program here at Transformation Fitness and Wellness utilizes periodization in 4- week blocks. This type of periodization is designed to improve specific exercise movement(s) to accomplish a specific goal for each client.
Our periodization looks like this:
- Metabolic
- Endurance
- Hypertrophy
- Strength
- Power
Each of the 4- week blocks have specific rep schemes and time ratios along with specific exercise movements to accomplish the desired goal(s). A client may perform similar exercise movements within a 4- week period. You need to have consistency within a program in order to make improvements with your personal goals. Even if you are a more advanced lifter you should have consistency in exercise movements.
In closing, we are here to help you through your fitness journey and keep the random workouts that do not get results, out! We work tirelessly to help each client obtain their desired level of health and wellness. This is your goal, your workout and we will help you through the process!
Just sign-up for our Free Consultation and we will make sure our program is a good fit for you personally!