We all get our fair share of, lets just call it, “Fun” in our life.
That “fun” does not depict who you are.
Let me explain…
We are all going through different things. Some things we can reasonably navigate and with others the plot only thickens.
One of the most empowering stances is to understand that no matter what life throws at you, you get set to decide the meaning or how you react.
When we have health and wellness goals, we will constantly be thrown challenges. Some are easier than others to navigate, but you get to choose how you react and overcome.
As we have all the fun summer parties and yummy dishes, cakes, drinks, etc. You can throw hands up in the air and say, well there goes my diet today.
Or you can be empowered and say, I know we are going to XYZ today therefore here is how I will navigate the situation.
I am no different than anyone else and I have been fighting the scale.
I decided I am going to win this battle and it is taking a little more focus than I would like. “Fun” right?
Throw on top of that a few other unnecessary stress and boom, the plot thickens.
Not for long…
When you decide the meaning of things and how you are going to react, its amazing how empowering it can be. You own your thoughts, just like you own what goes in your mouth.
We had two fun parties this weekend and I knew there would be yummy cake. I love cake! Who doesn’t? But I know what it is taking for me to see the results I want. I got up that morning and came to our Saturday Cardio class and then decided at party #1 I would split a cupcake with Leo. It was perfect, just enough. Did I want the whole one, yes, but I knew that would be some 400+ calories.
Then party two came. I wasn’t going to have cake. I told myself, nope you had it at party 1. But it got the best of me. I went and cut a super small piece and it was just enough and I didn’t feel bad.
Guess what, I woke up Monday morning and did not have the 3-4 lb increase from over indulging on the weekend.
Take the empowered stance to control what you can and give the proper meaning.
If we always tell our self the same story, consider rewriting that story.
The pen is in your hand.
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