We often highlight the success of someone losing weight.
Which hands down is a huge achievement for anyone.
But there is an untold story of another person’s success.
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said they just wanted to feel better.
Let that sink in.
“I just want to feel better.”
Such a powerful statement. Sure, it’s not sexy and doesn’t necessarily mean the scale does back flips, but it’s a true emotion.
I feel in the fitness industry we dump, “you have to lose weight or you are awful,” down people’s throats – when in reality, do you feel better?
Being active even just 2 days per week can give a much-needed boost to our mental state and even reduce symptoms of depression. In addition to lower our risk for multiple diseases.
Sure, we want clothes to fit better.
But sometimes taking a step back and realizing its not just about weight loss.
Asking yourself: Do I feel better?
As a long time, Fitness Professional, I can tell you there is nothing better than someone coming in our doors after a long/stressful day and they take it out on the weights.
When we finish the workout, they smile, high five you and you know they are in a much better place than they were when they came in.
That is the definition of feeling better.
If we only focus on the scale, we miss a boat load of benefits someone gets just by working out.
Ask yourself how you feel on a daily basis, if you don’t like how you feel consider working out. For some people a workout is how they want to start their day, while others use a workout to end their day. There is no right or wrong.
If you are currently hitting the gym a couple days per week – give yourself a high five!
If you need help hitting the gym, shoot me a message back. Feeling good on a daily basis can have a ripple effect on your life.
And again, its not always about weight loss!
Take care,