Today I want to focus on the next step.
You see we get caught up in the end result. We want a firm, toned body and tons of energy, NOW!
But we get stuck because life happens, we get busy and everyone is tugging at our time.
We can’t always control what happens.
BUT, we can control what happens next.
I have been there plenty of times.
Constantly wanting the end result, getting overwhelmed, then giving up.
Ever felt like that with your health and wellness goals?
When you ask a person, who has lost a significant amount of weight, they generally did not set out to lose that exact number.
They honestly wanted to have more energy and feel better.
They took the next step.
For most that means working out 2-3 days per week.
Then eating a little bit less each day.
Doing this day after day.
They didn’t lose 100lbs in a week.
It took over a year, maybe more.
So, what do you need to do next?
What do you need to focus on?
Start small and watch your consistent efforts snowball.
Before you know it that toned, firm body full of energy is your normal everyday life.
It can happen, by focusing on your next step.
If you are ready to take that next step shoot me a message back, we would love to help.
Take care,