Hope you are having a great day today!
Today I wanted to talk about being satisfied. There has been an ongoing mantra of “Never be satisfied”.
Keep pushing forward, more, etc.
While I don’t disagree with setting goals and always striving for more, there is an important part of the journey that can get missed.
Being satisfied, does not mean settling.
Those who are never satisfied are never at peace.

Being dissatisfied will leave you obsessing about the negative and it is a spiral.
We will miss out on life and it will prevent us from gratitude.
For me personally this has been a huge part of growth. I remember when we first started our business and people would say enjoy the journey.
I was not enjoying the journey, I was always striving for perfection, always dissatisfied with performance. While there is nothing wrong with having a high standard, when you are always beating yourself up it will cause anxiety over mistakes and optimal performance never happens.
It is so much easier to be dissatisfied and we are wired by nature to see what is wrong.
Seeking excellence and experiencing satisfaction are not mutually exclusive.
Let me say this once more being satisfied does not mean settling. It simply means accepting and taking pleasure in what is.
Allowing yourself to feel contentment whether or not a thing is complete or perfect.
“Life is short, so decide to enjoy it. Instead of discontent, bring joy and honor to what you do. I promise you’ll start feeling more alive, motivated and fulfilled.” – Brendon Buchard High Performance Habits
There is a reason we start each staff meeting by going around the room stating what is good both business and personal.
Start noticing what’s going well, appreciate your blessings, enjoy the journey, and record your wins.
Dedicated to your success,