Kyle is a major asset to the TFW team. He graduated from the Indiana State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Exercise Science.
What makes you the perfect person for your job?
I love to see people achieve something they have never achieved, a positive version of themselves they never thought they would become. The desire to push someone to be the best version of themselves is what I thrive for.
How do you help people meet their fitness goals? ”
I help them understand that they started their journey for a reason. So that way when they think about giving up I tend to remind them of why they started. I make sure they have proper education of proper technique and explain to them how the body is adapting during each and every workout.
What are your three most valuable skills?
Relating to people, Leading by example, and Sincerity
What sports have you competed in? ”
Basketball, Track, and Slow Pitch Softball
Which did/do you enjoy most?
How do you like to get your sweat on?
I really enjoy a nice hypertrophy training session in the gym.
What’s your favorite jam to work out to?
I’m really big on motivational speaking podcasts and some hip-hop
What would you say is the best way someone can take their first step toward becoming a better version of themselves?
Just doing research on all the benefits that exercise can have on your everyday life will give you some perspective to get going.
Do you have a transformation story? What is it?
I used to be a stick! Throughout High school I was probably malnourished due to not eating enough. When I got to college I started realizing what weights and proper nutrition could do for my body and soon enough shaped my body into what it is today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]