I have officially gotten back into workouts post having our daughter. Did a strength workout on last Friday and Wednesday with the Noon rock-stars and plan to get another in today! Then got a run in last Saturday before it heated up too much.
But man, I feel so out of it.
I forgot my shoes for the first workout, no clue what I did with my heart rate monitor…
Part of it is from the lack of sleep but taking 6 weeks off let alone having a baby, takes a toll on you.
I remember when we first started our business I sat down in a consultation with a lady and I was talking to her about her goals. She told me she needed to lose the baby weight. I said, “awe, how old is your baby?”
She replied, “11 years old.”
We both sat there a second. 😉 Thankfully she laughed which broke the silence.
I’ll never forget that moment. I could see it in her eyes. After having her kids, she was never able to get back.
I completely understand this now.
It is so easy to tell someone when you are your 20s, make time for you.
It truly is easier said than done, but it must be done. We get it, but we can’t let 11 years go by.
Tony and I were just taking about how to carve time for reading. Pre-kids we got up early, would make some coffee, no one said a word for the first hour and we each read a book that was going to help us be better in some fashion.
Currently we have some really great books sitting…maybe 10 or so pages into them.
But we have to find the new normal. Just because we had kids doesn’t mean we have to stop doing everything we did before it just has a new spin.
I also think it take more intentional planning and it has to be timely and effective. This morning I got Lyvia back to sleep around 6:30am and Leo doesn’t get up till 7:30am so I could have gone back to sleep, instead I went and enjoyed that hour–reading!
It was glorious and started by day on such a good note!
That’s why I had no problem jumping back in our Team Training workouts. 45-minute workout and I chose Noon for now because it works in my schedule M/W/F when we have childcare at home. I do miss my early morning workouts and two showers a day is not my ideal, but it is how its going to fit in.
This is what it takes when you are juggling several different priorities, kids or no kids, we are all juggling a ton of things.
We can let 11 years go by and neglect us, but a lot can happen in those years.
Its to our advantage to take care of us, so that we present the best version of us to the world.
I know when I work out, I feel better about me, my clothes fit better, I have more energy and am a better mom/wife/business owner.
It is convincing ourselves every day we are worth the time.
Let me know if you want to talk more about how to juggle your schedule and still make time for you.
We would be glad to help!
Take care,