How many times have you caught yourself talking about what you don’t want?
You don’t want to go to the store.
You don’t want to do laundry.
You don’t want to (fill in the blank).
Have you ever considered talking about what you want?
It seems so simple yet I hear all the things people don’t want ALL the time.
And if I was being honest I catch myself focusing on what I don’t want, too.
But if I were to tell you don’t think about a pink elephant…
Now you are thinking about a pink elephant.
If you focus on what you don’t want, more of what you don’t want to have to happen happens.
That was a mouth full.
To flip this is…
What do you want?
Should you know, what you want to happen?
Focus on that.
For example, if you want to lose weight, instead of always focusing on I can’t lose weight.
Focus on what you want.
I want to wear size XX.
I want to have energy.
I want to have confidence.
Then doing the things that support what you WANT feels good.
It’s a simple shift but can mean so much when you literally flip the script.
Now the key to all of this IS KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT.
If you need help working through this, shoot me a message back.
Hope this simple shift can make a difference for you!
Take care,