As I sat down this week, I mapped out what needed to get done and I went ahead and looked at the next couple weeks…this is it for 2017. How the heck did that happen?
I looked at the projects I wanted to complete, then I looked at the available amount of time, ugh.
I am sure no one else is feeling this way. 😊
One thing that always gets scheduled first is my workouts.
It’s one of those nonnegotiable things, and I genuinely know how I feel after each on is complete. The days I work out are always better. Now I am not killing myself and have adjusted in pregnancy to 3 Strength Training days per week, then maybe a cardio or yoga class depending on how I feel.
This has been a really important lesson: less is more.
I am also reminded of not putting too much on my plate.
I learned some extremely valuable lessons post having our son.
I was stretching myself way too thin.
I had myself so committed that there is no way Wonder Woman could have kept up with all my commitments, projects, etc.
All it did was drain me, leaving me feeling defeated and like I was not good enough.
To most people I am sure this is obvious but I see it every day with people around me.
Taking steps back and pruning my vine allowed for new growth.
Growth I am still experiencing.
Experience always yields opportunity, and I am looking forward to the opportunities post having our daughter.
I have a better understanding of what it is going to take to recover, and I also understand the team I need around me to help.
I tried to do everything myself and that was just my ego getting in the way.
I share all this in hopes that you will take the time for yourself through these final weeks of 2017. Complete a reasonable amount of priorities, projects, etc.
Take some time to recharge, then get fired up for 2018.
Also take a look at your vine, is it dying?
Mine was. I had to prune and that was the hardest thing I had ever done.
I had to quit things I had committed to, I had to hire additional help, and I had to completely remove a section from my job description. Still gets me even to type this.
Take a look at these up coming weeks…I am sure it is overwhelming for most.
Step back and assess what is important.
I easily said it was “all important”.
But then I had to say, who is Arin?
I am a Mom, Wife and Entrepreneur.
Who are you?
What can you prune to ease up this time of year?
I hope this can help and if you need anything please never hesitate to reach out.