Every day we get the opportunity to transform lives! We never take this lightly! The people we work with are real. They have crazy work and life schedules. Some travel every other week. But they have several things in common. They want to make sure they take care of themselves, have more energy and in general just feel better.
I have challenged several people in local presentations to think about their personal core values for their life. Most people put faith first, then family, and so on. I challenged the audience to put their faith first, then their health, then family. (In that order) The audience got a bit uncomfortable and I understand why.
We feel we are being selfish if we don’t take care of our family, loved ones, and spouse before ourselves.
But how can you take care of your family if you are not in good health?
Then I said picture yourself standing outside of a tall burning building and your loved one is at the top of the burning building. You are outside and they are going to perish unless YOU go up there and save them. Let’s take this one step further. What if you were standing outside, you are overweight, have COPD, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Issues, Etc. How are you going to make through the burning building to SAVE your loved one?
I know I am painting a grim picture, but I am being sincere. You only get one body and it does take some effort to keep it in good working order. Our lives are not active enough and we have to be intentional about movement and how many calories we consume.
Transformation Fitness and Wellness has helped thousands of Indianapolis People and we can help you get started too. We address Nutrition, Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, Flexibility and Assign you an Accountability Coach. Just listen to a few of these short 1 or 2 minute videos. These people are amazing. They come from all walks of life and we get the opportunity to work with them every day!
Anita has only been with us a few short weeks but her life is being changed forever! Anita comes in with a big smile and works hard through all her workouts. She has also changed her nutrition, with the help of her Accountability Coach, and has seen amazing results because of it. Every time Anita has an assessment we all know it! There are always loud cheers coming from the assessment room to celebrate her weight loss! We are so proud of you Anita!
The next inspiration I wanted to share with you is Eric! He has been in our program a little over 6 months. Some of the coolest things we get to experience is not only the physical transformation with our clients, but also seeing the confidence build in people! Eric you come in with a can do attitude and get after it, you have done such an amazing job!
I could share several others and we keep adding more of these videos each week! If you would like to see more just Click Here and you can see many more!
I hope this has inspired you today and if you would like to be our next Transformation, just Click Here or give us a call at 317-927-9689! We sit down first in a Free Consultation then if we have a good fit we will get you set up in a comprehensive assessment, set SMART Goals and get you rocking and rolling! You can do this, we believe in you! Put yourself first, you will be amazed at how everything around you gets better when you take care of you!
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