Have you ever felt like you were working hard at something and getting nowhere?
I have definitely been there, you keep pushing towards a goal and you keep feeling like you should be hitting it but you don’t.
Or have you ever had that person in your life that said the things you didn’t really want to hear but you knew they had your best interest?
That person is a coach or mentor.
It is so important to have people in your life who care about you and have your best interest. Sometimes it is hard to receive their feedback, but when you know they have your best interests, you stop and listen.
Not everyone enjoys feedback.
When you know the person giving it to you wants you to succeed – it can help.
We have always believed in having a mentor or coach over all these years and we attribute a lot of our success to having someone in our back pocket.
That person can look at your situation with a bird’s eye view and provide recommendations.
When working through personal health goals we can feel like we are doing all the right things, yet we still never hit a goal.
Or we simply need someone checking in on us.
Did you do your workouts this week, how was your nutrition, are you traveling and need help staying on point?
These are the types of things we do for our clients.
We provide each client with a personal coach. A person who has your best interest and wants you to be successful.
I always say we are not here to be your friend, but we are friendly. 😉
You want someone that can take a look at the big picture and provide good feedback.
Now there is another side of this.
Being coachable.
If you hire a coach and think you know it all, well its only going to go so far. It is important to ask questions, gain understanding, but trust this person has been down this path before.
With fitness and nutrition being an unregulated industry, you will find everyone is an expert! Finding a coach can be hard.
My biggest advice is to look into their credentials, but even those can be miss leading. Find out if they have helped someone like you before. Do they have a proven track record with success stories?
I did a simple google search on personal training Indianapolis, WOW!
There a lot of folks out there helping people, but one thing I did not find was success stories. I saw a few quoted statements from Sarah T. or John D…are those people real? Who knows, hopefully!
Do you need a coach with a proven track record?
If so shoot me a message, we can jump on the phone and talk about your goals and see if our program would be a good fit!
Have an awesome day,