We are very excited to announce a new service that can help with many soft tissue and alignment problems. If you suffer from some of the problems in the subject line of this email then this new service might be a good fit for you. You can request a Free Consultation today.
We are excited to offer Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy and we have brought on a new staff member who is certified to perform this soft tissue manipulation. Tomoko Shimano is one of our new Fitness Professionals, who has the education and certifications to help with your soft tissue problems.
Many people ask what Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is?
The word myofascial refers to muscle tissue (myo) and the connective tissue in and around it (fascia). When overused, underused or injured, muscles form trigger points, hyperirritable spots, cause pain, tightness and dysfunction. The trigger points often causes pain in unrelated parts of your body, which is called referred pain.
For example, a trigger point in the trapezius muscle can cause a headache. Yes, you can take some Advil to get rid of the pain, however, without treating the muscular dysfunction the pain will keep coming back. (x = trigger point, Red shaded area = referred pain)

Many Americans suffer from low back pain. This pain may become a nuisance and sometimes debilitating if not corrected properly. By utilizing Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy low back is often treated at the muscular dysfunction in the abdominal muscles. Most people do not realize that the back pain may be caused from a muscle dysfunction located in the abdominal.

- Tension headache
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Lower back pain
- Golfer’s elbow/Tennis elbow
- Knee pain
- Plantar fasciitis
The therapeutic approach of Myofascial Trigger Point at Transformation Fitness and Wellness focuses in three areas:
Understanding where your pain is helps us determine which muscles may be causing it. For example, the pain by carpal tunnel syndrome can be referred from trigger points in neck muscles. So, before we dive into treatments, we evaluate the possible sources of your pain.
Treatment consists of massage, manual or acoustic compression, stretching and contraction. Some patients may tolerate only very slight pressure at first while others may request a much greater level of compression. The patient is the determining factor.
Chronic pain yields best to frequent treatment. As such, we will teach you simple self-care techniques to help you deal with acute activations and speed the healing process between formal treatment sessions. We often recommend two short self-care sessions daily especially at the beginning of treatment. Working together in this way, we can accomplish more rapid and complete pain relief.
Identifying the underlying causes of muscular pain and dysfunction is one of the most important factors of trigger point therapy. Muscular dysfunction may occur because of an asymmetry of your body, how to sleep, how to sit, poor nutrition, overstressed, etc. Tomo can identify the cause of the pain, educate the clients to modify their life styles to be pain free, and prevent recurrence by teaching self-care techniques.
If you need help with your pain or know someone who does, you can go to our link and fill out the form for a Free Consultation.