I have a super important topic to bring to you today and honestly, I could write for hours on this topic. I will keep it condensed for today.
Inflammation is something we are not talking enough about.

I am sure at some point we have all felt our joints ache or we felt puffy, maybe your rings would not go on. This could possibly be short term inflammation and we can relatively feel better after we move around and drink a couple glasses of water.
There is another side of inflammation that is long term and we may not realize what is actually happening inside our body.
Maybe our joints ache every day. We feel puffy every day. Or do you feel depressed, have IBS, chronic disease, I could go on.
Maybe stress is at an all time high and it doesn’t look like it will be letting up anytime soon.
We start behaviors such as excessive drinking, eating processed quick and easy foods — the spiral starts.
This all leads us down a path of increased inflammation in our body and to put it in simple terms it’s not good and it’s not good long term especially when it comes to disease. (Heart disease, diabetes, cancer…)
Now I don’t want to be all negative, you can reverse the effects of inflammation TODAY!
Here are several things that are worth doing:
Avoid: Sugary Beverages, Refined Carbs, Desserts, Processed Meat, Processed Snack Foods, Alcohol
Instead Eat: Fruits, Vegetables, Healthy Fats, Fish, Nuts, Peppers, Dark Chocolate, Turmeric, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Green Tea
Poor sleep has been documented as another way to increase inflammation. Try to get to bed earlier and set the stage for restful sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep.
Then being active. Making sure to be intentional about the movement you do everyday is a must. We are losing muscle each year we age, use it or lose it.

Also taking a good fish oil along with some herbs such as Turmeric have been very helpful in reducing inflammation. Drink water, shoot for half your body weight in ounces per day or more depending on activity and temperature.
Bottom Line: we need to be aware of what is happening in our body and fuel our body well. With all the stressors of life– control what you can control. Your nutrition is up to you. Always ask is this fueling my body or is it hurting my body?
Activity is huge when it comes to helping inflammation, but it needs to be appropriate. Do workouts that are part of a larger plan. Random is random and you’ll get random results!
As always, we are here for you when you are ready. Shoot me a message back if you need some help.