Focusing on health and wellness goals is not as easy as it should be.
It can involve a lot of moving parts.
One thing for sure is at TFW we get it. We’ve been there too. Heck we are there right now!
With the birth of our daughter it has thrown off any schedule we have had and I can tell you I am itching to get back in the gym. (gotta get released to work out, but you know what I mean)
I know Tony has struggled with how much time to spend at work, with his family and on himself.
Its important that we are on the same page and we encourage each other to take that time for ourselves.
Time is almost always a limiting factor for most people.
They can get in a good groove for a few weeks, then travel, work schedule, etc. will throw us off.
First of all, know this happens to all of us.
Second, sit down and map out a plan. Life tends to go smoother when we have at least looked at the week, evaluated where I time needs to be spent, then take action.
Otherwise the time vampires come out and it can get ugly!
I am a big fan of everyone knowing what needs to happen each week, communication is key.
Especially if you are juggling kids or aging parents.
If you are always giving all your time to work, kids, spouse, and not carving time for you, you will see a decline in your health.
If you don’t put the oxygen mask on first before assisting someone else, you will both be passed out. Now I know that was pretty blunt but it is true.
Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others.
If you don’t have your health it makes it pretty hard to help others.
Take it from me, time spent on you and your health is worth it and if you need help all you have to do is reach out.
We do 45 min workouts that get you in and out so that you don’t spend hours in the gym. The best part is our workouts are effective and get results!
Shoot me a message and we will talk about your goals and how to make it all happen!
Take time for you this week!