I have another good quote for you this morning from my guy, Brendon Burchard.
“It is not selfish to want to be happier and to have a better lifestyle. Those who judge you now for striving will thank you later for succeeding.”
I see this all too many times when someone is changing habits, they get sucked back in to their old ways by friends, family members, etc.
I also see people get sucked back in by themselves.
They start making changes, they show up to a couple workouts, change food for a few days, then they go right back to old habits, old ways.
It happens and we have to dig deep to truly make change.
It is called embracing the suck.
I know, not all that sexy.
But truly embracing the suck, means doing what you know you need to do to be successful.
Hanging around people who lift you up vs pull you down.
I think one of the best parts of our gym is when clients start getting to know each other and lift each other up.
The “good jobs”, high-fives, “you got this”, “didn’t you do more weight last time?”
These are the people you want to surround yourself with, people who get it and are fighting their own battle. Just when you think someone has it all figured out, they don’t and guess what, it’s all good.
Embrace the suck and keep working on you.
It is a battle worth waking up for each and every day!
Results and true change are just around the corner. Right when you want to give up is when true growth/results happen.
You got this,