Today I want to encourage you to push forward. No matter what you are pushing through.
Don’t look back.
Don’t worry.
Don’t stress.
I need this message just as much as most reading this.
Most know, but in case you do not know of the struggles Tony and I have been facing these last three years, I want to share.
I do not share this for anyone to feel sorry for us, but more to inspire and empower you to push through the mud, no matter how thick it is.
We had our son 2, almost 3 years ago and it was a very traumatic experience that led me down a dark path. Good Friday is always a reminder for me when I hit rock bottom with PTSD and Postpartum Depression.
We had our daughter a year ago and it was absolutely beautiful.
In anticipation for her arrival we planned to build our dream home. The process should be fun, exciting, a bit stressful but nonetheless another wonderful experience.
Ours experience has been nothing but a nightmare and I am hoping we will be closing this chapter soon with a buy back of our dream home by the builder.
There are more issues than it is worth and thankfully the builder is trying to do the right thing.
We have confirmed structural and every mechanical issue you can imagine including fire hazards.
I share all this because I have been unwilling to let our circumstances define us. This will not take us down even though there have been some pretty hard days.
I encourage you no matter what you are going through push, push hard and fight.

You are worth it and stronger than you think.
Matter of a fact don’t think.
When all this craziness is happening around us, I do know have each other, the big man is looking out for us and we have our HEALTH.
We do not take any of this for granted.
There has been several days I did not want to work out, but I did anyways.
I encourage you to do the same.
It is much easier to look down the hole of an empty bottle, but it won’t fix any problem.
Getting up and moving gives life, endorphins and it the best pain killer I know of.
No matter what you are pushing through, you can do this and you will get through it!
I believe in you.
Go win your day!