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Welcome to December!
It is almost time to put 2018 in the books and start a new year!
Have you done a review of 2018?
We always do a review for our business and personal life and I highly recommend taking a day or two to evaluate how this year went for you.
I tend to go back through my online calendar and my daily planner.
What were some of the big items that got accomplished or occurred. How did it go? What were the lessons learned or what would you have done differently if anything?
Also, I recommend doing this exercise now verses the last week of the year.
The reason for doing this early December is so you can start putting a plan in place for the next year verses doing all the planning in January.
Those last weeks of December can be a good time to just be, enjoy loved ones and decompress.
This year was a big year personally for Tony and I.
We had our second baby and if you know my personal story, I had a very tough labor with our first child. When preparing for our daughter’s birth I did a ton of therapy around the PTSD I have from our son’s birth. I also walked the labor and delivery halls at the hospital to process the emotions I knew I would have.
These were the best things I could have done to prepare for her birth.
I also hired a doula for her birth, I recommend all women consider hiring a doula. She was there for me and only me, to make sure I stayed focused and was cared for at all times. She even came and visited me after I had the baby to make sure I was ok. (They also offer postpartum help!)
Then we finally closed the chapter on purchasing a new home!
We bit off more than we realized with hiring a very unorganized builder. It took over double the time it should have but we are finally proud home owners!
I could share more but I want to encourage you to take a moment to review your life.
Dive deep into personal, professional, finances, health, relationships, etc.
Darren Hardy has an amazing resource called Living Your Best Year Ever to help you work through each area.
In preparing for 2019 health goals, consider joining our Transformation Challenge. We run this challenge two times per year and the next one starts January 14th! I will have information on how to sign up next week. We will have early bird pricing in December and full price in January.
You’ll have to check it out.
Take care,
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When it comes to fitness and nutrition programs its amazing how all over the board our industry can be.
How do you know one program works over another?
For me if I was in your shoes I would want to know if other people have been in the same situation and then have they gotten the results I desire.
Pretty simple, right?
Most trainers or programs either neglect to highlight the amazing stories of their clients. These stories are inspiration of people who have been in your shoes and have fought adversity.
I still get choked up listening to them. (Check out some real stories HERE.)
What I think fitness and nutrition programs should work on is how to solve client problems.
What do I need to eat and when?
What workout is most effective for me to get results?
Time, how to carve out time for ME?
I’m post a surgery or physical therapy what do I need to do to keep me safe?
How do I keep it from getting boring?
TIME…did I say time already?
Listening to clients and understanding what they need is important. Another huge spot is Accountability. We all seem to have a decent understanding of what to do, its doing it. Then doing it again and again, even when we don’t want to.
So what problems can we help you solve?
Reaching out is one of the hardest things to do but it is so worth it in the end.
I’ll go back to these amazing stories, these stories are not about me, they are about the real people who have worked through each set back, have worked through previous health issues and won.
Each person is different but we just want to know that someone cares about us and can help us win.
If you need help winning, let me know.
We can jump on the phone for a few minutes and talk about you!
Let me know how we can help,
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How to Make It
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350°F. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Add onion and garlic; sauté 4 minutes. Add spinach; sauté until wilted. Remove from heat. Place yogurt, milk, and provolone in a blender; blend 20 seconds. Add flour, salt, and eggs; blend 1 minute.
Step 2
Peel neck of the squash. Cut neck from bulb. Cut neck into 24 (1/8-inch-thick) slices using a knife or mandoline. (Use bulb for more slices if needed.)
Step 3
Place squash slices in an 8-inch square microwave-safe glass baking dish; cover with plastic wrap. Microwave until squash slices are almost tender, about 4 minutes. Remove squash from dish. Coat dish with cooking spray; spread 1/2 cup yogurt mixture in bottom of dish.
Step 4
Shingle one-third of squash over yogurt mixture. Top with one-third of ricotta cheese, one-third of spinach mixture, and one-third of remaining yogurt mixture. Repeat procedure twice, ending with yogurt mixture.
Step 5
Sprinkle lasagna with Gruyère. Cover dish with foil; bake at 350°F for 50 minutes. Remove from oven. Turn on broiler with oven rack about 8 inches from top. Remove foil from dish; broil 4 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oven; loosely cover, and let stand 20 minutes. Cut into 6 rectangles.
Nutritional Information
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Each day we are given an opportunity. We get to wake up and impact this world. Sometimes we feel like we are stuck, going in the same direction, not making …
Ever feel like you get up and just go through the motions? I want to encourage you to stop this type of behavior immediately! Life is too short to just wake up and …
YIELD: 4 SERVINGS INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup brown rice 6 large eggs 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, …