That feeling is contagious
We are back full swing in our gym, well not quite full swing but about 50% capacity and the energy is awesome.
I can’t tell you how amazing it is to see the smiling faces whether it is 5:45am or 6:45pm at night. Also, the virtual workouts are still going strong.
What a time we are living in and I am thankful we can still impact people, maybe just a tad different but most parts are pretty similar.
I know for myself these past months I have struggled to find any real motivation and we absolutely have so much more going on in our world. I am hopeful we are making huge changes.
I believe the biggest responsibility Tony and I have is to raise our kids right. We will lead by example everyday showing them how to treat people and how to serve others.
If you are struggling TFW is a safe place to come.
We will listen, encourage and find the best avenue for you to succeed. There is no one size fits all to our approach.
We have this amazing 28-Day Reset, Focus and THRIVE Post Lock Down Program going on and you can join in any Monday through the month of June.
It is never too late to start taking care of you and be the best you can be.
You deserve to feel good and when you do its amazing how you can give back to the world.
This world needs you.
Let’s do this and if you need help its not too late to get started.
Shoot me a message back if you want to get reset, focus and THRIVE!
We got you!
A simplified approach to getting ME back
Hope you are having a great day. I just finished a workout and it feels so good to get back in the gym (in a safe manner) and lift some weights. Today was deadlift day, which means it’s always a good day!
The feeling I had when I was driving to the gym was certainly tired. It was a bit early, but it’s about the only time I can successfully get a workout these days.
Listen, to say we have been stressed out is an understatement. I know you feel what we are feeling. Anxiety has been through the roof and I swear each day presents a new challenge. (Like the steering going out in our car…good times.)
The feeling when I drove home was accomplished, a smile, now the day can begin. I will honestly feel this way the rest of the day. And I’ll most likely be in bed by 9pm because, did i mention, it was deadlift day…
Joe DeSena the owner of Spartan Races said he always gets up and does 300 burpees each morning…because what could come at him in a day that is worse than 300 burpees?
I can’t think of anything.
I have talked about taking the first step. It is ALWAYS the hardest when doing anything new.
But it’s the most critical part.
I encourage you now more than ever to value your health. Take any underlying health concerns to heart and take the first step in a health and wellness program.
We make it easy, approachable, and all levels are welcome.
We put together a great 28-Day Reset, Focus and THRIVE Post Lock down Program to help you step by step get into a new routine.
You will have in person or virtual workouts! (or both)
Meal Plan, Grocery List and Recipe Guide! (Real Food, easy recipes)
Daily Motivational Emails – Keep you pumped up
Private FB Group (Community and support)
Optional – Before/After Assessments (Numbers are great, but not everything – sometimes we just want to feel better and we get that.)
Join us, it’s $199.
We have a clean, safe, and friendly environment. We ALWAYS kept our classes small (no more than 10).
Shoot me a message back, let’s do this.
It’s never been a better time to take care of you.
Anxiety has never been higher
Anxiety has never been higher and it is impacting our ability to be who we want to be.
Let’s face it, this has been hard.
We have been in lockdown, our schedules have all turned upside down, we have had to focus on e-learning while juggling our own work.
Lots of uncertainty.
Way too much media coverage.
It would be nice if we could simply push a reset button and we would magically feel better.
I know people who have never experienced anxiety, struggling.
Just pass someone walking on the street, you do a little dance, do I move, or are you moving…so we can respect each other’s space. It’s quite the dance, but I will admit it has gotten my heart rate going.
For a lot of us we have mixed emotions about coming out of lockdown.
Feelings of sadness, anger, frustration and fear of the unknown and what’s next.
Listen I get this all too well, myself.
I want to offer some help.
The CDC published some good information around anxiety and COVID-19. We want to help you Reset, Focus and Thrive post lockdown.
The recommendation the CDC provided was starting with Breathing, try to Eat Well, Exercise and avoid Alcohol and Drugs.
Seems pretty simple right?
We have been out of our routines and we will have to take some intentional steps to move forward.
We are planning a 28-Day Reset, Focus and THRIVE post Lockdown Program starting June 8th.
It is time to move forward and it is ok to ask for help or seek guidance.
Our program will include Virtual and/or In person workouts, Meal Plan, Grocery List, Recipes, Before/After Assessment (optional), Daily Motivational Emails, Private FB Group, Accountability and MORE. (Optional Detox Kit)
We know what it takes to help people get moving forward and feeling good again.
We will keep it simple and safe.
Grab a friend or family member and let me know if you want to Reset, Focus and THRIVE! Shoot me an email if you want me to reserve a spot. Cost is $199 for Non Member and is included for any existing members of TFW. (Supplements not included)
It’s go time!
I read this the other day and book marked it to share with you.
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
Loved this and had to tie it into my message for you today. We ALL have been experiencing some version of fear.
Fear of losing a loved one.
Fear of losing our job.
Fear of the unknown.
Hope is what can get us through when nothing else seems to matter.
I encourage you to wake up each day and be hopeful about our future. A lot has changed to say the least. What gives me strength each day is hope.
I have hope that we will continue to help people when it comes to their health and fitness.
Sure, the landscape has changed, but we don’t sit and wait to see what happens. We know we need to move our bodies, eat reasonably well and take care of our mental health.
It has never been more important for driven, high performers to take care of their health.
Have hope and today is a new day.
We are not promised tomorrow.
We can expect or desire certain things in our life, that’s hope.
What do you expect?
What do you desire?
Let’s make it happen.
Too much is at stake now, your health has never been more important.
Have hope, our future depends on it.
Refocus: Clarity, Energy, Necessity
Today I want to talk about getting refocused.
As we start to see things opening up, we will catch a glimpse of what our future has in in-store for us. This quarantine has been hard on everyone.
Schedules have drastically changed, moods all over, what was important may be obsolete.
This is our new normal.
We may feel we lost our focus, but it had to shift.
First, it is ok, we need to breathe and release what we were doing and focus on what we can do.
If you are beating yourself up or frustrated acknowledge the feelings. Then seek clarity.
Gain clarity on what you want.
For most of us we need to create space to dream again. We have been so focused on everything else, we have let ourselves go, listen it happens.
We have seasons of life and things had to shift. Gaining clarity on what you want going forward will help you see what’s next for you.
Then we need to generate energy.
Do we need to get back in a good sleep routine, nutrition cleaned up and some movement back in your life?
Then raise the necessity.
Its never been more important to take care of you. Schedules had to shift, focus or priorities had to shift, create the space to dream and decide what you want for your life going forward.
If you feel you have gotten off track with your health and wellness goals, number one its ok. Do not, I repeat do not, beat yourself up.
Seek clarity on what you want.
Generate the energy to do what you can.
Raise the need.
This is not easy and you don’t have to travel this road alone. We can help, whether it is virtually or soon from a safe and socially distant way in the gym.
Seeking clarity is one of the hardest things to do by yourself. Book a call to chat and see if now is the time to start taking care of you in some format or pass this message to a friend.
This journey has not been easy on any of us, but together we can move mountains.