Today I am coming from my heart and how we help clients.
When we coach clients it gets personal, it gets deep and it can definitely get emotional.
This all part of what we do.
A coach listens and sometimes we do have to get real or point out behaviors that are tough for any us to own, myself included.
A statement we hear is: “I felt like I was letting you down.”
Rest assured we are here to walk beside you and help you.
With some clients the win is simply making workouts.
With another client its seeing that scale move and move some more.
And everything in between.
Success is measured differently for each person.
This is why it is so important to go back to the client’s why. What is driving them to want to make change.
Then are they willing to do what it takes.
It is ok to say no or not right now.
Life happens, situations come up, but I always encourage people to step back and get clear on what is important to them.
We all like the feel good but can some temporary “pain” be worth getting over the hump. Yes and no.
I know I am being very round in my language today, but I think it is important to understand as coaches we are here to walk with you on this journey. This is your journey and no matter how many twists and turns we are always here for you.
Yes, we wear “mean pants” some days but it is always with your best interest.
Tony and I have always believed in having a coach and if I had a coach always “pat me on the head” or “tell me it’s ok”, we would not be where we are today.
Its important that a coach holds you accountable to the actions it will take to achieve the goals you want.
I can tell you it is always worth it, but it is also ok to shift a goal too. Not give up, more find out what is really important to you.
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