Today I wanted to talk a little about life.
No matter what season of life we are in things happen. Challenges present themselves all over the place.
Thankfully, at least it seems to me, the more experiences we have the better we navigate tough times.
I can remember back when I was in college and what seemed at that time to be the end of the world, wouldn’t be today, not even by a stretch.
But it took going through each challenge to learn and grow.
A health journey is no different.
It may seem we just woke up one day and now we need to lose a large amount of weight and it becomes overwhelming.
Or the doc gives us some unpleasant news about our numbers and says we need to make changes.
Whatever it maybe it didn’t happen overnight although it may feel that way.
The good thing is we can get through.
No matter what life is throwing at you at any point of your life, you will get through it.
It starts with hope and controlling what we can.
I remember in college coaching middle school kids at George Washington Middle School on nutrition and exercise. For the most part those kids loved the exercise part of our program.
The nutrition, well that was a whole other challenge.
When asking them what they ate, I received all kinds of answers, but one kid got me. He told me that they normally just had bags of cereal and every once in a while, they got those chocolate muffins. He said he really liked those muffins and his eyes lit up.
My heart broke.
We decided to focus on what we could control in that moment and it was his attitude and his activity.
Jose lost weight in our time with him and he made the baseball team!
What can you control in your current goal? What’s out of control.
Choose to focus on what you can control and get after it.
This goes for your health and wellness goals and in life.
I really enjoy talking to different people each day about their goals and helping them navigate the plan. Sometimes I can see it from a different perspective and that’s all you need. If you need help, I am an email away.
Dedicated to your success,