Hope you have had a great week getting back in the swing of things after a holiday.
I think it is important to share the struggle.
We all have been through things or are currently going through things. I know it always comes back to perspective and what feels like the end of the world to one person is a blip in time for another.
How do you continue to take care of you during hard times?
First, it is not easy.
I would be lying if I said eating well when you are frustrated, hurt, sad, etc. is easy. It is not. I talk with several clients on a daily bases that are going through things and they stress eat.
I have used the phrase, control what you can control.
We can’t always control the struggle in our life, but we can control what goes in our body.
Be empowered by this.
Second, commit to the movement of your body. Have you ever scheduled a workout and then moved it, moved it again, to end up canceling all together?
Sure, we all have.
I want to encourage you to keep that appointment with yourself.
You are your greatest asset and it is a slippery slope when you miss a workout, then another, then another…
It is important to know you are not alone. Life is happening all around us and we always need to remember that everything is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Some lessons sting more than others, but we get to choose how we react.
The donut may give a good feeling for a second, then it is gone…GONE, leaving you empty and wanting more.
Working out produces endorphins, good feelings. It will help you have more energy and sleep better.
Even in times of stress.
It may not be the prettiest workout, simply moving your body will help.
Then remember food is fuel, ask what your body needs…not wants. Those are two totally different things. 😉
Your body needs an appropriate number of calories relative to your body, your activity and your goals.
Moral of the story is unfortunately things happen in our life, but don’t let the situation control you.
You deserve more out of this life and everything is an opportunity to learn and grow!
Let me know if you need help,