This message today hits home on so many levels. I have had the opportunity to speak to several women over these past couple days about joining our program and there has been a resounding theme.
First, we all want to lose weight and tone up, myself included.
We want more energy, we want to look in the mirror and like who we see, we want to sleep better and dang it overall, we just want to feel good…
Is that so much to ask!
Now I know this is not one sided, men feel this way too.
Research has shown that women today are less happy than they have been over the past 40 years. Why?
Several reasons can be concluded, but I think it comes back to taking time to care for ourselves.
If you have ever gotten into a really good rhythm working out meaning for months on end you consistently workout 2-3 days per week you know how well you feel.
I had my own Mom tell me to go get my hair done and she would watch the kids. It had been over a year since I had my hair cut!
To be honest it was not a priority and personally I hate sitting in the chair so long, but once I got it done man I instantly felt good. Then consequently each morning I feel like it looks so much better which is a huge boost.
So simple yet I have neglected taking a couple hours for me.
This leads me to wonder, was it guilt I felt?
I needed someone else to watch our kids so I could take time to do something I consider a luxury and genuinely I did not want to ask for help.
I felt like there were so many other priorities I should be done like work, getting groceries, etc.
I know I am not the only one feeling these things, women tend to run more of the household and we don’t want to inconvenience our partner.
So, I know I am talking more to the ladies right now, but I am hoping our other halves read this and encourage us to take time for ourselves. We are worth it and need it and so do they!
We may not voice what we need and honestly, we may not even realize we need “it”.
So, ladies, take time for you, whether that is a work out, coffee with a friend or shopping alone. To our partners, make sure we are both having some high quality me time, it’s important.
When it comes to taking care of yourself weekly such as working out, make that appointment with yourself 2-3 times per week and be consistent. You will be amazed at how good you feel.
I found 5:45am to work M/W/F because it did not disrupt my husband or son at the time. Yes, I had to go to bed earlier and I did not necessarily love 5:45am, but it was a time I could consistently commit to myself.
Now post having our daughter I have had to find a new groove. Noon M/W/F works because we have childcare. Yes, there are a million other things I could be doing for those 45 minutes, but I feel so good when I am done and the scale is showing some good things too!
Take time for you and if you need help finding time shoot me a message back.
I would be glad to help!